Library Gifts

Wellesley College Library Gift Policy

1.0 Policy Statement

皇冠体育图书馆捐赠政策为捐赠者和图书馆建立了指导方针 & 技术服务人员,负责回答捐赠人皇冠体育收藏资源潜在捐赠的询问. 该政策在图书馆馆藏发展目标和优先事项的背景下设定了礼品考虑.

2.0 Overview

The Wellesley College Library’s collections, dating to the founding of the College, are unusually rich, 为学生和教师提供当前信息来源和深入回顾馆藏的途径. 这些资源还可以通过快速馆际互借和文献传递服务获得附近和世界各地其他图书馆的馆藏. 这些策略的结合为许多学科的深入研究提供了丰富的基础. 而韦尔斯利的收藏建设的主要目标是课程支持, 我们也认识到学院在维护学术记录的机构网络中所扮演的角色的重要性:因此,如果在其他收藏中没有得到很好的代表,我们可能会保留对学术学科历史主要重要的项目.

3.0 Purpose

皇冠体育图书馆赠予政策确立了图书馆馆藏资源赠予的目标和流程. 它的目的是帮助潜在的捐赠者愿意进行捐赠, 同时指导图书馆和LTS工作人员有效地处理查询和满足学院的管理期望.

4.0 Scope


5.0 Policy


The Archives is responsible for managing, maintaining, 并使那些具有长期历史价值的学院记录能够被访问, such as administrative records, manuscripts, photographs, maps, architectural plans, honors theses, and audio/video materials. 档案馆还从校友和其他人那里收集资料,帮助记录和说明皇冠体育的历史, including scrapbooks, photographs, letters, and assorted realia and ephemera. The Archives, sometimes in consultation with the Archives Committee, 若校友或其他人士的个人或专业论文对支持学院的学术使命有帮助,本会会考虑捐赠这些论文. 概述了档案馆的使命和收集目标 here.

特藏馆收藏了珍贵的书籍、手稿和限量版的当代艺术家书籍. Among its outstanding collections are the Durant collection, the English Poetry Collection, the Plimpton Collection and the Book Arts Collection. 虽然这些收藏品主要是通过购买发展起来的, the funds available are quite limited and, thus, 适当的礼物是获得新财富的重要来源.  [Description of collecting goals will be forthcoming.]

The General Collections, which support the curriculum of the College, 主要是通过收购而很少通过捐赠建造的. 图书馆馆藏馆长或馆藏管理经理可因应个别情况作出例外规定 & Preservation. 详细介绍了通用集合的集合开发策略 here.


5.1 Responsibilities

The Library Gift Policy is a component of the Wellesley College Policy on Gifts of Tangible Property, approved by the Board of Trustees in 1996.  首席信息官负责遵循皇冠体育皇冠体育有形财产赠与的总体政策.

所有向图书馆捐款的建议,将转交给 Director of the Library Collections Group.  The Archivist is the primary contact for gift offers for the Archives; the Curator of Special Collections is the key contact for gifts for Special Collections; and the Manager of Collections Management & Preservation is key contact for inquiries about the General Collections.

5.2 Process for Evaluating and Accepting Gifts

  • 捐赠人将在任何捐赠被考虑之前提供一份描述. If a collection is offered, either in whole or in part, a full description (including card files, lists, manifest, etc.) is extremely useful. In the absence of such documentation, 图书馆可要求图书馆职员实地评估馆藏,然后才决定是否接受.
  • Library staff cannot provide appraisals for tax purposes. If an appraisal is needed, 此表格由捐献人负责,并应于捐献人交予图书馆前填妥.
  • 档案保管员或特别收藏馆长将对他们收藏的礼物表示感谢, copying Resources on their letters when warranted. 向图书馆赠送礼品的捐赠者将收到一份图书馆的礼品接受表作为收据和所有权转移的临时记录.

5.3 Disposition of Gifts

All gifts will be cataloged, with holdings information added to the Library’s public catalog; Archives collections appear in the library catalog, 机构知识库或通过网络查找艾滋病.


  • 事先安排的,可以退还给捐赠人.
  • 它们可能被卖给专业书商,收益用于支持未来的收购.
  • 在其他机构有教学或募捐目标的情况下,捐赠更适合支持, these institutions may be offered the gift.

6.0 Policies Cross-Referenced

7.0 Effective Date
