Prospective Wellesley Students Interested in Careers in the Health Professions

Thank you for considering Wellesley College for your undergraduate education. Here you will develop the skills of a liberal arts education, 包括批判性思维, 解决问题, 信息综合, 有效的沟通. These skills will serve you well throughout your lifetime, and are highly valued by health professions schools. As you explore your options, here are answers to some of the questions you may be asking:

Wellesley offers many advantages and opportunities to students considering careers in the health professions. 这些包括:

  • 小班授课
  • Outstanding professors who provide superb teaching and individual attention to their students 
  • All classes are taught by professors (not by teaching assistants)
  • Letters of recommendation from faculty who know their students well
  • Opportunities for significant research 经历 with professors on campus and in the greater Boston area 
  • Opportunities for research presentations, posters, and to co-author publications
  • Research funding through a variety of Wellesley College sources
  • Health professions advising 和支持 for students interested in any health profession as well as for alumnae no matter how long ago they graduated
  • Extensive pre-health programming and resources throughout the year
  • Individual advising  throughout the application process including help with personal statements, 面试, 选择学校, 等.
  • Personalized health professions committee letters
  • Advising and financial support from Career Education to find 经历 and internships to help gain knowledge about healthcare careers
  • Active student organizations related to medicine, science, and healthcare
  • An extensive network of alumnae in the health professions who are interested in providing mentoring, 经历, 和支持
  • Wellesley students and alumnae enjoy an excellent reputation among health professions schools throughout the country

What Courses Will I Need to Take?
Health professions schools are moving towards a competency-based assessment of their applicants’ knowledge and readiness for health professions school.  然而, many schools still require a basic curriculum of biology, 化学, 数学, 物理, 英语课程.  Requirements vary by individual school and by type of health professions school (medicine, 牙科, 兽医, 等.). Your health professions advisor will help you tailor your schedule to create the best academic path for you.

Do I Have To Choose a Major In a Science?
No! You are encouraged to major in the area of study you find most interesting. Your Wellesley advisors will help you to schedule the courses you require for your major along with the courses you need for health professions schools.

Can I Study Abroad and Still Apply to Health Professions Schools?
是的! Courses required by health professions schools should not be taken at international schools, so it will be important for you to create a four-year plan of pre-health courses that accommodates your time abroad. Your major advisor and health professions advisor will help you accomplish this.

Can I Take Some Time Between Finishing my Wellesley College Education and Matriculating at a Health Professions School?
是的! 事实上, many schools encourage their applicants to explore 经历 and gain a deeper understanding of human diversity after college so that they will bring a richer knowledge of people to their health professions school environment. More than half of Wellesley candidates apply after graduation.

Are Wellesley College Students Successful in Admissions to Health Professions Schools?
是的! Our students and alumnae are admitted to health professions schools in numbers well above the national averages. We support any student or alumna interested in applying to health professions schools.




Acceptance Locations 2020–22

The map below illustrates the Medical and Dental School Acceptance locations from 2021 – 2024. Click here to view the map as a pdf.

Health Professions Advising Annual Report: 2023–2024 application cycle

Click here to view the Wellesley College Health Professions 2023-24 Advising Annual Report.