
Informational interviews are a common way to gather information about various careers by speaking with professionals in the 场. 通过信息访谈, 你可以探索职业道路和工作机会, 同时也能获得职业行业和公司的建议和见解. Keep in mind that informational interviews are not about asking for favors or a job. 而, they are an occasion for you to learn more about an individual’s career path and profession in a way that may inform your own journey.


  • 对你的专业和职业道路做出初步的决定
  • Learn about different positions in an area of interest and meet professionals working in those roles
  • 发现你不知道的新的学习领域或职业选择
  • 了解一下你所在领域的就业市场
  • 与特定组织的专业人士建立联系
  • 学习如何为特定的角色或领域做准备
  • Hear firsthand the realities of working within a particular 场, industry or position. 你在网上找不到这个!


  • 人们喜欢给建议,喜欢分享他们的故事
  • These professionals been in your shoes before and are happy to return the favor
  • 最坏的情况是你的联系人太忙了,没时间见你



When beginning the search for someone with whom you can conduct an informational interview, 一个很好的开始就是你的 职业社区. A 职业社区 is a group of professionals linked together by a common industry area and includes your peers, 您的行业顾问, 职业探索顾问(王牌), 皇冠体育官网, 雇主, 教师, 和其他人. 也可以考虑和顾问谈谈, 教授, 以及你在校园里的其他关系, 还有朋友, 家庭成员, 教练, 还有以前工作的同事和/或主管, 实习, 或者志愿者职位. 即使这些人不属于你感兴趣的行业, 他们可能和你所在领域的人有关系. 最后, there are electronic resources that can help you identify relevant individuals and Wellesley 皇冠体育官网:

  1. 韦尔斯利蜂巢: 韦尔斯利蜂巢 is a digital platform exclusively for the Wellesley community where you can mentor, 或者寻找导师. 蜂巢 is a platform where 皇冠体育官网 and students can ask questions and seek guidance, 指导和激励, and find paths to professional aspirations during one-time conversations or through more long-term mentorship.

  2. LinkedInLinkedIn是一个免费的在线专业社交平台. 全球用户超过4.5亿,年龄超过25岁,000名活跃的卫尔斯理校友, LinkedIn是一个很有价值的社交资源, 探索潜在的职业道路, 在网上建立你的职业形象. 阅读我们的 LinkedIn的资源 了解你在这个平台上可以做的所有事情.

一旦你确定了你想找的人, 发送一个简洁的信息来解释你是谁, 你为什么要联系他们, 以及你希望学到什么. Ask if they are available for a brief (15-30 minute) conversation over the phone, 通过视频通话, 或者亲自询问有关他们职业的信息和建议, 场, 或组织. 如果你要找一个之前没有接触过的人, 在跟进前留出1-2周的回复时间.


It can feel challenging to write an email asking someone to participate in an informational interview, 尤其是当你从未见过他们的时候. 为了让这个过程简单一点, we have provided some examples that illustrate the appropriate tone you should use and information you should include when sending such a message. 此外,请记住,如果你要求进行信息面试 蜂巢, 该平台为不同的主题提供了示例消息, 确保你发送清楚, 简洁的, 无打印请求.



下午好,博士. 辛格

我叫海伦曹,是韦尔斯利大学二年级的学生. I am in the process of researching careers I may want to pursue upon graduation, 我正在探索的途径之一是化学研究. 在看了你在电池化学方面的研究之后, 我希望能更多地了解您的经历和职业道路. I was wondering if we could set up a brief 30-minute meeting sometime this month so I can learn more about what you do and how you got to be in your position. 我通常周三上午8点到11点,周五下午12点到3点有空. 我期待很快收到你的来信, 并通过我们在韦尔斯利的共同兴趣和经历建立联系!







我叫海伦曹,是韦尔斯利大学二年级的学生. I am in the process of researching careers I may want to pursue upon graduation, 我正在探索的一条道路是财务咨询. I am interested in your experience in the finance industry and would appreciate learning more about your experience and career path since graduation. I was wondering if we could set up a brief 30-minute meeting sometime this month so I can learn more about what you do and how you got to be in your position. Please let me know if this is something you have time for, and your availability in the coming weeks. 我期待很快收到你的来信, and connecting over our shared interest in economics and experiences at Wellesley!





你好! As a second-year student at Wellesley, I am researching possible careers, specifically art curation. 鉴于你的经验, I’d love to schedule a 30-minute meeting to chat about your career path since graduation. 先谢谢你!



你应该做好主持会议的准备,因为你正在进行面试!  Research the person you’re meeting with and look at their organization’s website. Write down questions about the professional’s career path and/or their company. Prepare a written list of questions prior to the meeting to bring with you (or have available if you are speaking by phone or video). Consider setting some specific goals for your interview so that you ask questions to get the information you are hoping to learn. 例如,你最想从这段对话中学到什么? 你希望这次谈话能帮助你做出什么样的决定?



  • Did you know you wanted to be in this line of work when you were a student at Wellesley? 
  • What have been the most unexpected twists and turns throughout your career that got you to where you are today?
  • 你主修什么专业?? 你在韦尔斯利的教育为你进入这个领域做了哪些准备?
  • 回顾, is there anything you would have done differently in terms of career and graduate school choices after graduation?
  • 你对刚进入这个领域的人有什么建议?


  • 你的具体职责是什么? 
  • 描述一个典型的一天/一周.
  • 你处理过的最棘手的问题是什么? 
  • 你觉得这份工作的哪一部分最有价值? 
  • 全年的工作周期是如何变化的?                  


  • 需要什么样的培训或教育? 
  • 在这个职业中最重要的技能是什么? 
  • 什么样的经验是绝对必要的? 
  • 有什么专业组织对你有帮助吗?


  • 什么类型的设置,时间,气氛,期望? 
  • How much flexibility do you have in terms of hours of work, dress, vacation, 等.? 
  • 你多久一个人工作一次? 在团队中?
  • 你如何描述贵公司的文化?
  • 贵公司与竞争对手有何不同?
  • 贵公司提供什么样的职业发展机会?
  • 如果你不是现在的工作,你会考虑其他的职位吗?


  • 我怎样才能找到这个领域的实习/工作机会? 有没有最有效的策略?
  • Are there any networks, listservs, or other professional groups that you are a part of?
  • 不要向和你谈话的人要求实习或工作! If they bring either up, then you are welcome to engage, but you should not be the one to ask.

进步 & 行业前景  

  • 人们通常会跳槽到另一家公司还是在公司内部升职?
  • 如果你去读研究生,你是如何做出这个决定的? 它对你的职业生涯有什么帮助?
  • 当前职业领域的发展速度有多快?
  • 10年后你有什么打算? 


  • 不要问他们要薪水!  
  • 如果感兴趣, 询问他们的工作范围, 入门级角色通常从哪里开始, 等. 


  • 今天有什么事我应该问你而没问你的?
  • 如果我有其他问题,我们可以保持联系吗? 我可以在蜂巢或LinkedIn上联系你吗?



  • Arrive on time, in professional dress, and be ready to introduce yourself and ask your questions.
  • 如果你要迟到了,沟通一下! 交通和技术事故时有发生. Call, text, or email the person you’re interviewing to let them know when to expect you. 
  • Bring your written list of questions, along with paper and pen for taking notes.
  • 表现出你对谈话的兴趣和热情.
  • 不要找工作. Remember your goal is to learn more information to help you in your career exploration.
  • 带一份简历以防万一. 你不会想要主动地把这个告诉你的面试者, 但如果他们要求看你的简历并提供反馈, 你会有所准备.
  • Do not be afraid to ask the person you are speaking with to connect you to someone else following your conversation. 面试结束后, you may want to get additional information from another professional in a different type of work, 他们可能会把你介绍给认识的人.



在信息面试之后, 花点时间记下你的经历. Asking yourself a few simple questions can be incredibly helpful when planning next steps such as whether to pursue 工作见习, 进行更多的研究 了解这个行业,甚至准备一份实习或工作申请.

  • 我对这个行业和/或专业人士的职业道路有什么了解?
  • 最让我惊讶或兴奋的是什么?
  • 我收到的最有帮助的建议是什么?
  • 我还对这条职业道路感兴趣吗?
  • 我对这种工作有什么顾虑?
  • 我能享受这份工作吗? 为什么?
  • 这条道路是否充分发挥了我的优势并与我的价值观相一致?
  • 要在这个领域取得成功,我需要获得或进一步发展哪些技能?
  • 我还遗漏了什么信息?
  • 现在面试结束了,你下一步要做什么? 我们鼓励你 预约 with your Advisor for 生涯探索 or an industry-specific Career Advisor to discuss your reflections further. These appointments will be helpful in identifying next steps in terms of your research and exploration.

Be sure to send a thank you card or email within 24 hours to thank them for their time. Make this is a thoughtful note that highlights some top points you took away from the conversation, 以及他们如何帮助你.

在你的职业生涯中,不要害怕保持联系. Now that you’ve made the connection, this person is part of your on-going network.