

In brief, income and assets are analyzed to determine a family's financial strength. 第一个, 可用收入是通过减去诸如税收之类的费用来计算的, a maintenance allowance based on the number of family members and other standard allowances (including saving for younger children's college education) from the total family income. 下一个, 一个小, 可用资产的标准百分比是从总资产中计算出来的, 包括房屋净值和非退休投资, 减去紧急储备津贴和大学储蓄津贴. The sum of that percentage of available assets plus available income is the total parent contribution.

The Financial 援助 Office realizes that most families cannot simply pay the costs of attending 韦尔斯利 from 现在的收入. Most of our families use a combination of the following to pay the term bill:

  • 现在的收入
  • 储蓄与投资
  • 付款计划
  • 助学贷款

Educational loans are available only while the student is in school and generally offer better terms than commercial or personal loans. The Federal Unsubsidized 工作人员ord Loan for students and the Federal PLUS Loan are federal education loans available to students and parents who are citizens or permanent residents of the United States. Some states have educational loan programs which may be used for out-of-state institutions. Some families have chosen to borrow through 助学贷款 to maximize use of their 现在的收入. As with all borrowing, we advise families to limit 助学贷款 each year.

我们不期望家庭为了上大学而重新抵押他们的房子. The portion of the parent contribution directly traceable to home equity is usually 一个小 fraction of the total equity. Some parents choose to utilize an equity line of credit or a second mortgage because of a tax benefit, 商业贷款机构的便利和有效的营销努力. 家长教育贷款, 例如MEFA和Direct PLUS, are options that for parents who cannot or do not wish to involve their primary residence in college financing. 和往常一样,你应该比较条款和利率.

第一个, 确定借款的优先级——利率, 每月的付款, 延期规定, 房屋净值选项——仔细阅读每笔贷款的资料. 学生会计办公室将邮寄详细的付款和贷款信息. Telephone the lender with questions; their answers will also be a good indication of how the loan will be serviced. 如有需要,请皇冠体育的办公室获取更多信息. While we do not recommend specific loans, we can help evaluate the programs you have identified. 请访问 融资 & 贷款的选择.

No, 如果家庭收入发生重大变化,则应重新申请, 资产或在上大学的孩子的数量. We will also reevaluate an application if a family's circumstances change mid-year. The exception is that international students who enter without aid cannot apply for it in subsequent years.

韦尔斯利 is one of the few remaining schools with a need-blind admissions policy. All of our students have been admitted regardless of their financial need; merit is the only factor considered in admission. Over 80% of our students have graduated in the top tenth of their high school classes and bring a rich variety of talents and backgrounds to 韦尔斯利. 反过来,经济援助只基于经济需求. 我们不提供学术、体育或其他奖学金. 通常,其他大学也会这么做. 除了, our institutional methodology might differ from the methodologies used by other colleges; each school applies its own policies to the financial aid process which will result in different offers.

The number of family members and the number of children in college are significant factors in calculating family resources. If a sibling's enrollment status changes or if it is not verified by the due date, 助学金必须修改. 通过接受经济援助, 所有学生必须, 根据联邦法律, inform the Financial 援助 Office of changes in the enrollment of a sibling in college and changes in the total family size. 因为研究生可以获得助学金, 助学金和最高18美元, 每年500美元的联邦贷款, 我们不为兄弟姐妹在研究生院分配家长捐款. We will review an offer upon receipt of a Financial 援助 Statement indicating that the graduate school calculates and collects a family contribution.

A student admitted to 韦尔斯利 as a first-year or a transfer student is expected to furnish parent information even if she later marries and/or meets the federal criteria for independence. A student who declares herself independent (of her parents) or a student whose parents will not assume financial responsibility for her education will not receive financial aid from 韦尔斯利 to replace the parent contribution. Information from the parents of Davis Degree students is not required unless the parents provide support.

Students may be offered financial aid to participate in the Twelve-College 交换 and Spelman College, 直到皇冠体育或交换机构的费用为止, 取较低者. Students on exchange at MIT are charged as 韦尔斯利 students and aided accordingly but may pay an additional charge if living in the MIT residence halls. Students may also receive aid for 皇冠体育 出国留学 and 交换 项目. 其他学院或机构的项目, 学生可以通过留学办公室申请奖学金.

Students who win outside scholarships receive the fullest possible benefit of those scholarships. 我们利用外部奖学金来减少学生贷款, 学年工作, and student contribution from vacation earnings before making any reduction in grant aid. For most students, this means that all of the outside scholarship will reduce self-help. 除非在担保信中有特别说明, all outside scholarships will be evenly applied to the fall and spring semesters.

Students whose parents have employee benefits as a condition of their employment should speak to the Financial 援助 staff.

请注意国家补助, 联邦佩尔助学金, Gear-up Grants and benefits that are not merit-based are not included in this policy. 学生接收, 或者期待收到, 外部奖学金必须尽快报告给我们的办公室.

如果您还有其他问题或疑虑,请 皇冠体育 学生财务服务部.