

Courses in the 法语、法语国家和意大利研究系 open doors to cultures that are rich in tradition 和 deeply significant in today’s diversifying world. 除了少数例外,我们的课程都是用法语或意大利语教授的. 这些主题跨越了从中世纪到现在的10个世纪. Our courses are designed to help students develop a number of critical life skills—linguistic, 分析, 解释, 富有表现力的, 有创意的. We offer opportunities to study abroad for the three-week Wintersession, a semester, or a year.

在多个文化参照系之间移动, to inhabit the alternate personae that come with mastery of another tongue, 去了解那些声音, 歌曲, 以及法语或意大利语的习语——这些都是深刻的智力乐趣. 它们在现实世界中也是非常有用的工具.


  • Speak, write, read, 和 underst和 法国 or Italian at the advanced level.
  • Develop advanced knowledge of the major authors 和 works from a variety of 类型s—poetry, 散文, 剧院, 电影,形式, 还有竞争, 法国或意大利的文学传统和文化遗产.
  • Acquire the critical thinking skills 和 the methodological 和 theoretical grounding needed to pursue studies at the graduate school level.



Students acquire 分析 和 critical skills in speaking 和 writing through exposure to 法国 literature, 电影, 历史, 社会和政治运动, 法律问题.


Students whose interests in the 法国 和 讲法语的人 world are primarily cultural 和 historical take courses in the dep艺术ment of 法国 as well as in Africana studies, 艺术, 历史, 音乐, 和/或政治科学.


Students develop advanced knowledge of the major authors 和 works from a variety of 类型s—poetry, 散文, 剧院, 电影,形式, 还有竞争, 意大利的文学传统和文化遗产, 和 underst和 the crucial moments 和 events of Italian 历史 和 culture, 从中世纪到现在.


  • 什么使文学“新颖”?? This course examines the ways in which 法国 writers of the 20th 和 21st centuries have radically transformed the field of fiction through playful 和 experimental techniques. We will study the literary games they played in their efforts to break with tradition 和 exp和 the boundaries of language, 类型, 和形式. 通过一系列的文本和视听材料, 我们将在20世纪和21世纪追溯这种玩耍的理念, 以新罗马风格为例, 的OuLiPo, 文字的女性, autofiction, 纪实小说, photo-texts, 以及数字文学. 本着所研究材料的精神, course assignments will include traditional essays as well as more experimental writing projects.


  • 塞吉奥Parussa坐在办公室的椅子上看书. 他穿着一件蓝色的毛衣,脸上露出满足、平静的表情.

    塞尔吉奥·帕鲁萨教授对乔治·巴萨尼小说的注释版 Finzi-Continis的花园 即将由意大利出版商Feltrinelli出版. 学生们帮助Parussa和Giorgio Bassani基金会收集, 数字化, 和目录档案材料, 比如小说的手稿和打字稿, 注释版的基础.

  • 海琳胆汁 st和s in front of a colorful bulletin board 和 lectures to students offscreen. 她面带微笑,穿着一件细条纹西装外套.

    在国家人文基金会的资助下, Professor 海琳胆汁 developed a digital pedagogical edition 和 new translation of 拉斐特的 La Princesse de cl 和三个文理学院的同事一起.

  • 弗拉维亚·拉维奥萨教授和一名学生坐在桌旁交谈.

    Senior Lecturer 弗Laviosa is the founder 和 editor of the book series 意大利电影和媒体的发展轨迹 并且 意大利电影杂志 & 媒体研究,均由Intellect有限公司出版. Her research examines representations of violence against women in world cinema 和 media.

  • 法国 professor 斯科特·哈 talks to someone at a table across from him.

    斯科特·冈瑟教授的章节 Queer Realms of Memory: Archiving LGBTQ Identities in the 法国 National Narrative (利物浦大学出版社), forthcoming) examines the aesthetic strategies behind the design of two new memorials in Paris, one dedicated to remembrance of 法国 homosexual deportees during World War II, 另一个是为了纪念法国的艾滋病危机.

  • 丹妮拉B艺术alesi-Graf st和s by a bookshelf 和 reads a book titled 声乐声乐

    Senior Lecturer 丹妮拉B艺术alesi-Graf designed two Open Education Resources (OERs) to research, 研究和教授意大利当代文化; Caleidoscopio声乐声乐. 与来自三所大学的同事合作, B艺术alesi-Graf建立了一个网站 最佳意大利研究OERs. On edX, B艺术alesi-Graf created a free program to teach 和 learn Italian; the program is used in 韦尔斯利’s beginner 和 intermediate Italian courses.


  • La Maison francaise

    该住宅提供身临其境的住宅体验. Fourteen 韦尔斯利 students 和 two students from Aix Marseille Université together cook their meals 和 host events, 只说法语. A cultural center for the 讲法语的人 communities of 韦尔斯利 和 the greater Boston area, la Maison francaise 赞助游戏之夜, 种花, 会议, 讲座的特色是令人印象深刻的嘉宾名单.

  • 法国留学

    The 韦尔斯利-in-Aix program in southern France provides a unique opportunity to experience 法国 student culture 和 daily life through direct enrollment in 法国 institutions, 家庭旅馆, 志愿服务机会, 以及其他活动.

  • 意大利留学

    Students can experience a full cultural immersion through Wintersession in Rome, 为期三周的语言强化课程. 或者他们可以在博洛尼亚大学学习一个学期或一年, 通过出版, 这是一个与瓦萨学院联合运营的项目, 卫斯理大学, 和皇冠体育. Bologna is home to several preeminent institutions engaged in human rights, 女人的历史, 性别研究, 以及社会公正.

  • 在法语国家暑期实习

    The Michèle Respaut 法国 House Fellows Program provides students with stipends to pursue summer internships in France or other 法国-speaking countries.

  • 意大利暑期实习

    We offer internships with the Peggy Guggenheim Collection museum in Venice, 都灵的厨房电影, 以及意大利南部的利贝拉.



法国, 讲法语的人, 和 Italian studies graduates distinguish themselves in a variety of professional fields. These include education (including higher education), medicine, law, business, 和 finance. 最近的雇主包括P艺术ners in 健康, 约翰逊 & 约翰逊, 和 the 法国 government’s Ministry of National Education, Youth, 和 Sports.


  • 乔丹·斯蒂芬斯-莫斯利16岁

    乔丹·斯蒂芬斯-莫斯利16岁, 她主修意大利研究和妇女与性别研究, earned a master’s in public health with a focus on maternal 和 child health from Tulane University. 一位公共卫生研究分析师, Stephens-Moseley strives to improve global health systems through policy change.

  • 93年的Folake Akinola-Pinard

    93年的Folake Akinola-Pinard double majored in 法国 studies 和 Africana studies 和 spent her junior year in France with 韦尔斯利-in-Aix. 在获得师范学院教育学硕士学位后, 哥伦比亚大学, Akinola-Pinard taught elementary school 和 filled a variety of leadership roles. She is currently the principal of Brooklyn Prospect Downtown Elementary.


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