Major GPA Calculation

Calculating Major GPA

A student who wishes to participate in the departmental honors program for their major must calculate their Major GPA as follows:

Include all courses on your transcript that may normally be counted toward the major that are 200-level or above. This includes any MIT course taken for a letter grade that has been approved to count toward your major requirements as well as any Wellesley course that has been approved, by exception, to count toward your major requirements.

Special cases when you exclude a course (because the course does not count in your GPA):

  • Any transfer course approved to count toward your major requirements

  • A course taken under Credit/Non Credit grading

  • A course taken under Mandatory Credit/Non Credit grading

Step 1: Using Wellesley's grading scale, multiply the quality points associated with a grade for each relevant course by the number of units the course earns.

For example:

  • a one unit course for which your grade was a B+ would equal 3.33 quality points (1 X 3.33)

  • a 1.25 unit course for which your grade was a B+ would equal 4.1625 quality points) (1.25 X 3.33)

Step 2: Add all the quality points together.

Step 3: Divide the total quality points by the total number of units the courses in your major are worth. The GPA is truncated (not rounded) after 2 decimal places.

In the example above, if you assume just the 2 courses, you would

  • Sum all quality points (3.33 + 4.1625 = 7.4925)

  • Sum earned units (1.00 + 1.25 = 2.25)

  • Next, divide total quality points by total units (7.4925/2.25 = 3.33)

Major GPA = 3.33