

艺术 historian focusing on 18th- and 19th-century Europe and 南亚, and visual cultures of colonialism, 奴隶制, 以及全球贸易.

My research concerns visual culture across Europe, 南亚,和 West Indies in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, with focus on the intersections between colonialism, 科学, 和资本主义. My research has been supported by fellowships and awards from the National Endowment for the Humanities, 富布赖特, the American Institute of Indian Studies (New Delhi), the French Embassy's Bourse Chateaubriand, the American Philosophical Society,和 Metropolitan Museum of 艺术 (NYC), 等.
我现在的图书计划, "饥荒之地:摄影, 环境, and Racial Capitalism in Colonial India" explores the many famines that devastated 南亚 in the second half of the nineteenth century and how photographs aided in the constitution of British colonial policies around famine, 土地, 农业劳动力. Uniting art historical analysis with political ecology and environmental and food studies, it aims to illuminate the fraught convergence of 经济 liberalism and colonial humanitarianism around the issue of famine in colonial India. An article based on this research recently appeared in 艺术通讯.
I am currently engaged in several other research projects including British prints pertaining to abolition and the Haitian Revolution in the late eighteenth century to understand the shared rhetoric of sentimentality as deployed by both pro- and anti-奴隶制 advocates. I am on the editorial board of 十八世纪的研究, and I also write for public forums, with essays and opinion pieces published in 《皇冠体育》波士顿的NPR博客 行家,和 波士顿评论.
我的第一本书, 艺术, Trade, and Imperialism in Early Modern French India (阿姆斯特丹大学出版社), 2019), examined the integration of the French East India Company with the eighteenth-century textile industries of India's southeast coast to examine three main themes: Indian textiles' role in the emergence of global capitalism and the slave trade, the integration of Indian artisinal practices with European botanical study,和 complicated role of Tamil intermediaries in developing French trade, 外交, 和印度的帝国主义. It was a finalist for the College 艺术 Association's 2021 Charles Rufus Morey Book Award.
I teach lecture courses on 南亚n 艺术 and Architecture (ARTH/SAS 239), 艺术s of Europe's Enlightenment (ARTH 259), and Nineteenth-century 艺术 (ARTH 289). My seminars include 艺术 and Imperialism in the Long Nineteenth Century (ARTH 312), 帝国, 商人, and Missionaries in Early Modern Eurasia (ARTH 313), Decolonial 艺术历史: Theory, 方法, 和实践(ARTH 390), and Indian and the British (ARTH 397). I have also co-taught with Professor Wes Watters in Astronomy a first-year seminar, The 艺术 of Science since the Scientific Revolution (ARTH/ASTR 112Y).
In my spare time, I'm an avid gardener, mycologist, cook, and knitter. I'm also an animal rights advocate,和 founder and president of the non-profit 动物皮毛麻萨诸塞州.




  • B.A., University of North Florida
  • M.A., University of South Florida
  • M.A.西北大学
  • Ph.D.西北大学

Current and upcoming courses

  • This course covers the visual culture of India from ancient Indus Valley civilization through Independence. 它遵循文体, 技术, and iconographical developments of painting, 雕塑, 体系结构, and textiles as they were created for the subcontinent's major religions - Hinduism, 佛教, 耆那教, 和伊斯兰教. We will examine the relationship between works of art and the political, 经济, and social conditions that shaped their production. It will emphasize such themes as religious and cultural diversity, 神话与传统, and royal and popular art forms. Attention will also be paid to colonialism and the close relationship between collecting, 赞助, 和帝国. (ARTH 239 and SAS 239 are cross-listed courses.)
  • The scale of the meat industry and its adverse environmental and climate impacts alongside burgeoning scientific understandings of non-human intelligence require urgent reevaluation of our relationship to animals as food: How has visual culture (historical and contemporary), both in advertising and in popular culture, separated meat as a food from the process of animal slaughter that produces it? How do we negotiate between our food traditions and ethical obligation to move away from practices rooted in violence? Why do we value some animals as companions while commodifying others as food? What is speciesism and in what ways can it shape our understanding of animal oppression? We engage these questions and more using visual culture and ethical frameworks to critique the prevailing political and cultural norms that desensitize us to the implications of meat consumption.. Enrollment in this course is by permission of the instructor. Students who are interested in taking this course should fill out this Google Form. (ARTH 324 and PHIL 324 are cross-listed courses.)
  • The scale of the meat industry and its adverse environmental and climate impacts alongside burgeoning scientific understandings of non-human intelligence require urgent reevaluation of our relationship to animals as food: How has visual culture (historical and contemporary), both in advertising and in popular culture, separated meat as a food from the process of animal slaughter that produces it? How do we negotiate between our food traditions and ethical obligation to move away from practices rooted in violence? Why do we value some animals as companions while commodifying others as food? What is speciesism and in what ways can it shape our understanding of animal oppression? We engage these questions and more using visual culture and ethical frameworks to critique the prevailing political and cultural norms that desensitize us to the implications of meat consumption.. Enrollment in this course is by permission of the instructor. Students who are interested in taking this course should fill out this Google Form. (ARTH 324 and PHIL 324 are cross-listed courses.)