
班级主任鼓励学生与他们见面讨论任何大小问题, 这可能是他们的想法.

T在这里 are questions, however, that many students share. Below are responses to frequently asked questions. If you are still confused, by all means see your dean.

What are Wellesley's degree 要求s?
What is the "18-units-outside" rule?
Do 350s, 360s and 370s count toward the 300-level 要求?
Is t在这里 a limit to the number of 350s 一个学生 can take?
Can 350s count 向分布 要求s?
Do AP and IB units count toward the degree? 向分布? 走向专业? 小?
What is considered a full course load?
Is it possible to be granted an exception to academic legislation? 如果有,如何?
What is the Academic Review Board and how do I present a petition?
What are the 要求s for honors?
What are the 要求s for Phi Beta Kappa?
What is the difference between "excused" and "unexcused" incompletes. 什么是永久的不完整?


What are Wellesley's degree 要求s?

In order to earn a Wellesley degree, 你必须赚到32个单位, 其中至少16门必须在韦尔斯利修读,至少18门必须在一个系外修读(见下文)。. You must complete distribution 要求s, 写作要求, 多元文化要求, 外语要求, the quantitative reasoning 要求, four units of 300-level work and the 要求s of a major. All students must also complete the P.E. 要求. For a detailed discussion of these 要求s, see 学位要求.


What is the "18-units-outside" rule?

这条规则, along with the distribution 要求s, 是为了确保学生在她的学习项目中有实质性的广度.

基本上,规则是在任何一个部门之外,你至少需要18个单位. Any units on your Wellesley record count in this rule. This means that you do count AP and IB units, 国外单位, 其他美国机构的单位, 等. 无论是“内部”还是“外部”,你都可以获得最多的单位.

Notice that the rule stipulates department rather than major, so that if you are doing an interdepartmental major, 你不太可能遇到这个规则的麻烦,因为你将在多个部门学习课程. Similarly, you are not likely to have difficulty if you are completing two majors. You should also be fine if you are doing the combined Art History/Studio Art major, 因为就本规则而言,艺术部的两个部门被认为是分开的. 如果你在国外参加一个项目(通常是在牛津或剑桥),要求你在一个部门学习所有的课程,或者如果你对一个特定的领域非常热情,你想在一个部门学习超过14门课程,你可能会遇到困难. 如果你预料到你在一个部门之外挣18个单位可能会有困难, you should consult your dean as early as possible.



You need four 300-level units for the degree. At least two must be in your major; some majors may require more. T在这里 is no limit to the number of 300-level courses you can take in one department. T在这里 is no 要求 that you take any 300-level courses outside your major. 在韦尔斯利的最后两年必须完成至少两个单元的300级工作.


Do 350s, 360s and 370s count toward the 300-level 要求?

是的, they do count toward the four units of 300-level work required for the degree, but some departments do not count them toward the minimal major. 这是, 一些院系要求他们的专业参加300级的课程,无论学生是写论文还是做独立研究.


Is t在这里 a limit to the number of 350s 一个学生 can take?

T在这里 is no limit to the number of 350s you can count toward the degree, but you may not take more than two units of 350s in any one department.  也, you may not take more than two units of 250s in any one department, nor may you take more than two units of UROPs in any one MIT course. 


Can 350s count 向分布 要求s?

No. It is possible to propose a 350 to satisfy 多元文化要求.



一般来说,没有. 例外情况是与系交叉列出的第一年写作课程(例如WRIT 105/ENG 120)。.


Do AP and IB units count toward the degree? 向分布? 走向专业? 小?

韦尔斯利记录上公布的AP和IB单元计入学位所需的32个单元,但不计入分配. Most departments do not count AP or IB units towards the major or minor; check with your department to be certain.


What is considered a full course load?

一个完整的课程负荷通常是三到五个单元,一个学期四门课程是正常的. 至少修三门课程才有资格申请校内住房, and for international students to maintain their visa status.  如果你有学生贷款, 由于联邦法律要求学院报告非全日制学生,少于三门课程可能会使你的贷款面临风险. 尽管有时可能需要少带一点或多带一点, 一个学生 who is considering doing so, 不管出于什么原因, 她应该咨询她的院长。.


Is it possible to be granted an exception to academic legislation? 如果有,如何?

是的, it is possible in some circumstances. T在这里 are some rules for which no exceptions are ever made; for example, you cannot earn the Wellesley degree without completing a full 32 units. 在其他情况下(例如, 18单位外规则), the Academic Review Board may grant a petition for an exception to legislation. 你的班级主任可以让你很好地了解董事会是否可能允许在某一特定立法方面有任何灵活性.


What is the Academic Review Board and how do I present a petition?

The Board is made up of the Dean of Students, 班级主任, seven faculty members and four students. It meets once a month primarily to review student records and to consider petitions for exceptions to academic legislation; its meetings are confidential. 请求, 一个学生, 与她的院长协商,并在教职员工的支持下(如果相关的话), completes an online form making a request and explaining the circumstances.  Full details and a link to the form are 在这里.


What are the 要求s for honors?

Wellesley has two kinds of honors: (1)Latin honors, which reflect the overall degree; and (2)departmental honors, 哪些反映了专业的工作.

(1)获得拉丁文荣誉的资格取决于你在第一学期之后在皇冠体育和麻省理工学院所有课程的成绩.  For Davis Scholars and transfer students entering in September 2009 or later, Latin honors will be based on grades in all Wellesley and MIT courses taken. 优等生至少需要3分.60岁,优等生.75分,最优等生3分.90.

To be eligible for these distinctions, 一个学生 may take no more than one-quarter of potentially graded units (i.e., mandatory credit/noncredit courses are not included) on a credit/noncredit basis. 至少12个分级课程(加起来至少12个单位)必须包括在拉丁荣誉的计算.

也有一个限制,你可以有多少不完成的记录,仍然有资格获得拉丁荣誉. No more than three "I/grade" or "INC" notations may appear after the first year. Finally, you may not have any F's in your final semester.

2009年9月之前入学的学生对荣誉的要求有所不同, 应该咨询一下 学生手册

 (2)一般来说,你通过完成一篇高级荣誉论文(360/370)和通过口试来获得该专业的荣誉. Some departments also offer the option of a comprehensive exam. 请在课程目录或部门或项目网站上查看您所在部门或项目的专业要求.



No.  其他地方的课程, whether during a semester or year away or at some other time, are not included in the calculation of the grade point average for honors.  如上所述, certain Wellesley grades are always excluded from the calculation, depending on the student’s status and the time of entering Wellesley.  Under the most recent formulation of the rules for Latin honors, applying to students entering in September 2009 or later, 在韦尔斯利必须至少完成12个学分的课程才有资格获得荣誉, 这允许任何学生修满四分之一的课程学分,仍然有资格获得拉丁语荣誉. 


What are the 要求s for Phi Beta Kappa?

咨询 www.韦尔斯利.edu/pbk


What is the difference between "excused" and "unexcused" incompletes?  什么是永久的不完整?

Unexcused incompletes are essentially extensions beyond the end of finals period; they may or may not be granted by your instructor. 你不能只拿一个不完整的,你需要问你的老师是否愿意给你一个. 如果是这样的话, 一旦你提交了完成的作业,老师就会给你一个分数, 你的记录将显示“I/grade”."

If you are unable to finish a course on time because of illness or family emergency, you may petition the Academic Review Board to excuse your incomplete. 第一个, 你必须向你的教授要一份不完整的申请,并向你的院长咨询有关申请过程的信息. If the Board grants you an excused incomplete, you will have a temporary notation of "XI" on your record; this will be removed once the work is completed and the grade entered.

未完成的作业(包括请假和未请假的)必须在下个学期开始前完成. 如果你还没有完成工作, 不完整的通常将成为永久性的,并将在您的记录上注明“INC”.
