皇冠体育植物园建于近一个世纪前, to be “a center of interest to all.”


2025年,皇冠体育植物园将迎来100周年纪念! 我们将更新我们的使命宣言,以反映我们不断增长的社区的价值观和优先事项, and the vision for this next era of the gardens.

皇冠体育植物园以植物系主任玛格丽特·弗格森在建立温室和花园时的愿景为指导:“我们的目标是(花园)应该代表……科学工作的尊严和教育价值。. At the same time we shall not fail to emphasize the humanistic aspects of our subject; and we shall endeavor to form a center that shall be of interest to all.”

As of 2019, the Botanic Gardens mission is to:

  • 通过让人们参与各种优秀的植物资源教学,增加科学参与, research, and exploration
  • promote scientific and environmental literacy, 利用美学的吸引力和创新的程序来激发人们对自然世界的兴趣和管理
  • contribute to the sense of place at Wellesley, 通过在这个标志性的校园内开发和维护模范空间来支持社区, personal well-being, education, sustainability, and connection to nature for everyone

Core values

Wellesley College Botanic Gardens serves as an educational public garden, 一个与植物联系并展示生态实践的资源, and an accessible space for building community, wellness, and a sense of belonging. These educational gardens are shaped by the innovative, interdisciplinary engagement 学生、教职员工、校友、社区合作伙伴和广大公众. We welcome all visitors, and seek to center environmental justice, sustainability, climate resilience, accessibility, and a sense of belonging in our gardens, exhibits, and programs. We care for the plants, 花园和景观采用正念实践,体现了对环境和所有把这里称为家的生物的尊重. These guiding principles follow Wellesley College's strategic plan,旨在将我们对包容性卓越的承诺作为教育变革力量的中心.

Our team

Our dynamic Botanic Gardens team of staff and students keep our diverse gardens, habitats, and landscapes flourishing, and support teaching, research, and community use of the botanic gardens. Additionally, the Friends of Botanic Gardens 使我们能够支持公众游客,志愿者和更广泛的享受花园. Together, our staff, students, volunteers, 我们的支持者使我们的使命成为一个欢迎所有人的教育花园.

About the gardens

Learn more about the gardens, subscribe for news, or plan your visit today!

More about the gardens

Wellesley College Botanic Gardens is rooted in a legacy of change-makers who recognized the central importance of plants for everyone, 并提倡一种可以跨越几代人的教育资源.

Wellesley College Botanic Gardens was established in 1925 to be "a center of interest to all", for both scientific and humanistic interest in plants. 这一创始愿景是由皇冠体育校友和植物学主席玛格丽特C. Ferguson (class of 1891), 谁在植物学方面培养的女性比当时任何一位科学家都要多. 促进本地及全球原生植物的研究, 她倡导并监督建立了占地20多英亩的亚历山德拉植物园, H. H. Hunnewell Arboretum, and the Margaret C. Ferguson greenhouses, within the Wellesley College campus, 也就是现在的皇冠体育植物园.

In 1940, 植物学教授哈里特·克赖顿(1929届)担任了植物园的领导, stating “我们是植物的学生,植物对现代世界很重要,并为花园的教育使命赢得了更广泛的支持. In 1983, the Friends of Horticulture, now called Friends of the Botanic Gardens, was founded, and raised funds to build the WCBG Visitor Center in 1992, which houses the multi-purpose Creighton Room. 通过之友的支持继续支持花园举办公共旅游和项目的能力, 为学生提供实践和课外学习的机会, and serve as a beloved educational resource for all visitors.

皇冠体育的创立过程中,就出现了这些植物的根源. In 1875, 具有植物学头脑的皇冠体育创始人波琳和亨利·杜兰特把自己的温室藏品借给学生们研究植物, 学院成立一年后开设了第一门植物学课程. The camellia tree (Camellia japonica 山茶或ツバキ)通常被称为“杜兰特山茶花”. This tree was planted by the Durants on campus, and is the sole living link to the founders, who did not want buildings named after them.

Many people, beings, 这些力量塑造并继续塑造着现在植物园所在的土地和植物. The outdoor landscapes include diverse meadows, woodlands, and wetlands, in addition to cultivated specialty gardens. 植物群落——从树木和灌木到野花和草——是适应当地的植物的动态组合, and designed garden layouts, 在过去的几十年和几千年的不同时间引入. 温室包含植物和设计栖息地,这些植物来自植物园网络和经过审查的植物苗圃(作为礼物或购买)。, for educational purposes.

在所有这些故事中,统一的主线是提升教育和 appreciation of plants in our lives, for everyone. 我们欢迎所有人加入我们的使命,成为这个花园故事的一部分.

这里的景观、植物和花园承载着几千年前的故事,并在继续展开! Explore some of these stories below, and let us know if you'd like to contribute a story.

  • 在大约12000年前的最后一个冰河时期,冰川运动形成了 hills and valleys 校园,现在包括一些丘陵(丘陵)和低湿地的植物园
  • Humans lived in this area for millenia. Descendants include the Massachusett, Wampanoag, and Nipmuc nations. 我们今天对植物和土地实践的理解根植于土著科学, 除了许多团体的贡献,他们的故事在我们现有的材料中没有得到充分的认识. 我们正在与当地合作伙伴共同开发资源和展览,以突出这些贡献.
  • In 1875, 杜兰特夫妇创办了皇冠体育,作为一所女子文理学院, 并强调植物教育的重要性以及与室外景观的联系, by maintaining the glaciated landscapes, 与当时全是男性的大学的平坦景观形成鲜明对比
  • Margaret C. Ferguson shares a vision of Botany at Wellesley
  • Wellesley's Women of Botany carry on a legacy of centering plants at Wellesley
  • The Paulson Ecology of Place Initiative launches to enhance sense of belonging in the campus landscape
  • The Global Flora 温室是在2019年设想并建造的,就在全球Covid-19大流行之前
  • The new Science Center 包括最先进的教学和研究温室,毗邻新建 Global Flora
  • The Frost Center for the Environment launches,为所有参与环保行动的人提供一个枢纽
  • Botany and Empire, an exhibit by ES244 students led by Prof. ashhanti Shih分享了《皇冠体育官网》中所代表的各种植物的故事.